Category: Family

Child Support in Thailand

Child Support in Thailand

Child Support in Thailand. Child support is a critical aspect of family law, ensuring that children receive adequate financial support from both parents, regardless of

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Child Legitimation in Thailand

Child Legitimation in Thailand

Child Legitimation in Thailand. In Thailand, children born outside of wedlock face a unique legal situation. By default, the mother holds sole parental rights. However,

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Child Custody Laws in Thailand

Child Custody Laws in Thailand

Child Custody Laws in Thailand. A difficult and delicate matter that comes up during a parent’s separation or divorce. Child custody rules are in place

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Prenuptial Agreements in Thailand

Prenuptial Agreements in Thailand

In Thailand, prenuptial agreements. Talks regarding money and asset management are crucial when a couple starts a marriage. A prenuptial agreement, or “prenup,” is a

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Divorce in Thailand

Divorce in Thailand

Divorce in Thailand. Divorce is a significant life event that requires careful consideration, especially when it involves navigating legal processes in a foreign country like

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