Property Contracts in Thailand

Before you buy property in Thailand and well before you sign any property agreements in Phuket, speak to our solicitors about the contract to ensure that you know what you are signing yourself into. Contracts can be very complex and it important to understand them well.

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Property Taxes in Thailand

Property Taxes in Thailand

Property Taxes in Thailand. It’s important for investors in Thailand’s booming real estate market to understand the intricate details of property taxes. This page provides

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Business Visas in Thailand

Business Visas in Thailand

Business Visas in Thailand. Thailand is a popular destination for investors and entrepreneurs from all over the world because of its advantageous location in Southeast

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Title Deeds in Thailand

Transferring Title Deeds in Thailand

In Thailand, title deed transfers. Purchasing and transferring property is an important life milestone, and to guarantee a seamless transfer of ownership, it is essential

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Contract Review in Thailand

Contract Review in Thailand

Contract Review in Thailand. Business connections are anchored by contracts, which provide a framework for obligations, liabilities, and legal requirements. Like in any other jurisdiction,

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Notary Public in Thailand

Notary Public in Thailand

Notary Public in Thailand. The role of a Notary Public plays an important part for guaranteeing the authenticity and legality of records related to both

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Power of Attorney in Thailand

Power of Attorney in Thailand

In the intricate landscape of legal and business dealings, the Power of Attorney (PoA) emerges as a valuable legal instrument, granting an individual the authority

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Due Diligence and Property

Do a property due diligence when buying property or any form of real estate in Thailand. A due diligence report would always be advised. The property market in Thailand is not well regulated. Not to long ago in Samui, property had been developed and sold which was located on government property.